Seven Minute Frittata

You really can make this in seven minutes if you have all the ingredients ready to go, like this...

Look at you! You are so organized!
Why is the goat cheese orange?
Because it's Sweet Chile Goat Cheese.
2 eggs
1 clove garlic
Handful of kale or other greens
Small red or other potato
Goat cheese or other cheese
Salt and pepper
Butter or olive oil

Garlic press
Ovenproof small skillet/pan
Microwave (or small saucepan)

1. Preheat your oven to BROIL. You need a hot oven to make a frittata!

2. Cut the potato to about 1/2" dice to make about 1/2 cup. Microwave in a small bowl with a little water for 2 to 3 minutes until almost fully cooked. (You can stick a fork through it but it doesn't fall apart when you do.) OR if you don't have a microwave, steam it for about 10 minutes or to same tenderness in a saucepan. Drain them so they're nice and dry. You don't want a wet frittata!

3. Meanwhile, chop the kale in small pieces. Make sure it is patted dry or doesn't have water clinging to it. Peel the garlic (whack it with the side of your chopping knife to loosen the skin) and beat the eggs in a bowl.

4. Heat the butter or oil - maybe a tablespoonish - in the skillet and saute the potato with the pressed garlic for a few minutes to gently brown the potatoes. Add the greens, and continue stirring and cooking until they are just wilted. Spread all the vegetables roughly evenly throughout the pan.

5. Pour the eggs over the veggies. Let it cook on medium until it is just starting to get golden brown around the edges and separate from the pan, like this:

6. Crumble the cheese on top. However much you want. I'm not here to judge.

7. Turn off the heat and whisk that pan into the broiler! Set your timer for ONE MINUTE! Or, count, if you really trust yourself to not get distracted by shiny things and kitchen chores. After one minute, if the egg still looks runny, you can cook it for another 30 seconds to a minute, but I forbid you to cook it more than that because the edges will get overcooked.

8. Protect your precious hand with an oven mitt and remove the pan. Let it cool for a minute or two before cutting it in halves or quarters to serve. Serves 1 as a main dish or 2 as a side dish.

If you want to serve more people, use a bigger pan, and double the ingredients. But it cannot be deeper than this, or the eggs won't cook right, so you would need a bigger pan.

Dairy Free Version

If you are dairy-free like me, you don't need me to tell you "omit the cheese". Instead, I will give you a delicious alternative, which of course you could do with or without cheese.

Follow the same steps above until you have the potato and garlic in the pan. Add some mushrooms and red onions at the same time and cook until everything is tender, then add the greens. Look at the veggies cooking. Aren't they pretty?

You can also slice some cherry tomatoes (just not too many or your poor frittata will be waterlogged) and arrange them on top after your pour the eggs on.

Below are some examples of finished frittatas. Serve with fruit and toast. You could also add sausage or other meat in place of the potatoes, or a mixture. Have fun.

Kale Potato Frittata with Sweet Chile Goat Cheese

Kale Potato Tomato Frittata with Avocado


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