Saturday Breakfast on the Patio

On weekdays, I usually don't have time for breakfast, at least not before I'm out the door. Typically I eat at my desk when I get to work, and then it is a bowl of cereal. Since breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, I make a point of doing it right on the weekends.

This breakfast is actually quite simple and didn't take that long to make. The oatmeal is from a bag of quick oats from Trader Joe's that takes about 10 minutes on the stove or 2 minutes in the microwave. Fraternizing with the raspberries and blackberries are sliced mini kiwis I picked up from Whole Foods last night. I didn't add any sweetener, but almost added a drizzle of the ginger syrup I also picked up from Whole Foods last night. I wanted to keep this breakfast sugar-free. 

That, in itself, is probably a big enough breakfast. But I'm going for a bike ride this morning and I want lots of energy. Thus, the chicken apple sausage with kale and green onions, sauteed in coconut oil. I like cooking with organic extra virgin coconut oil lately. It can handle high heats and is very mild in flavor. Coconut haters: it doesn't taste like coconut.

Kale and green onions for breakfast? I know. For some reason, this worked.

That blue mug you see is filled with Peet's Major Dickason's blend and a spoonful of coconut cream.


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