Fast food seems not quite fast enough here these busy school days, so fast and furious food is more like it. In "spare" moments, like when I'm pushing Molly on the swings at the park and sort of zoning out, I've been thinking a bit about food, cooking, and food writing. I became bored with it pretty fast, and I think that's largely because there is a part of cooking that is just labor. For me, it is a huge part of it because I am always preparing food for my kids, one of whom is on a special diet. Still, here I am writing about food. Really fast. While scarfing down a spinach salad I just threw together with kidney beans, walnuts, cucumbers, and a simple lemon juice/olive oil dressing. The kids are at school right now, eating lunches we threw together this morning. Eli's latest craze is this pomegranate berry coconut water that comes in individual-size plastic bottles from Whole Foods. It's very low in carbs, and apparently really good for you as it is...
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