Warm Fall Breakfasts

I don't have much time so I think this is going to be the shortest post ever. Warm Fall Breakfast: Miso Ramen Soup. It's filling, it's nurturing, and it provides better energy for the day than cereal. When there isn't enough time in the morning to make eggs or bacon, it makes a nice, quick, hot meal. I don't remember the brand offhand but there are miso ramen packets at Whole Foods in the soups section. There are different flavors and they're really good! Highly recommended. Goes well with coffee and orange juice.

Any other ideas for quick, warm Fall breakfasts?


  1. Oh. They're not actually in the soups section. They're near the seaweed and dressings and such.

  2. Was just reading a vegan cookbook that suggested Miso soups for breakfast. Will try it soon. Me, I'm a fan of steel cut oats simmered in spiced apple cider. No need to sweeten further. I get all the ingredients at Trader Joes. One cup oats, 4 cups spiced cider, 1 apple chopped and cinnamon to taste. Throw it all in a big pot and simmer for 30 minutes, or until oatmeal is to your desired consistency. Goes well with coffee and a good book.


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