Fast and Furious Food

Fast food seems not quite fast enough here these busy school days, so fast and furious food is more like it.

In "spare" moments, like when I'm pushing Molly on the swings at the park and sort of zoning out, I've been thinking a bit about food, cooking, and food writing. I became bored with it pretty fast, and I think that's largely because there is a part of cooking that is just labor. For me, it is a huge part of it because I am always preparing food for my kids, one of whom is on a special diet.

Still, here I am writing about food. Really fast. While scarfing down a spinach salad I just threw together with kidney beans, walnuts, cucumbers, and a simple lemon juice/olive oil dressing. The kids are at school right now, eating lunches we threw together this morning. Eli's latest craze is this pomegranate berry coconut water that comes in individual-size plastic bottles from Whole Foods. It's very low in carbs, and apparently really good for you as it is high in electrolytes and potassium. He also likes a snack called Somersaults, which are these little cracker-like thingies made with sunflower seeds and whole grains. They come in different flavors - salsa, cocoa, and sea salt. Both my kids are crazy for them.

Also on the topic of cooking and food writing, I've been thinking that there are endless combinations of food, and recipes you could create. Relatively speaking, it's "easy" to come up with recipes for dishes that taste good. But it is not so easy to come up with yummy recipes that don't result in needing to spend half the day at the gym. (A daily workout is just fine. I just don't want to spend 3 hours trying to burn off calories from "amazing" food.) That is more of a challenge, and requires more thoughtfulness and creativity. That is where I would like to put my cooking efforts currently. Also, of course, on cooking fast.

I grilled some smoked apple/chardonnay chicken sausages this weekend and they were very good. Low in fat, and I wish lower in sodium. From Trader Joe's. Also I halved some mushrooms, brushed with olive oil, and threw those on the grill too. They paired nicely together. My son even ate the mushrooms.

What are you cooking today?



  1. Tomato Avocado Salad with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, chives and basil from the garden with sauteed mushrooms, grilled romaine and, gulp, bacon wrapped filet mignon - my heart is beating a little slower - oh yes, and a nice bottle of red, but not the whole bottle. -Much Love!

  2. Leigh! Wowee! Yum!

    I'm curious about the grilled romaine? Tell me more.

    Bacon wrapped filet mignon?! Get outta town!

  3. Grilled Romaine - easy and delicious!
    Cut a heart of romaine lengthwise (leave root attached to hold leaves together)
    Brush with Olive oil, salt, and pepper
    Grill on high about 3 minutes per side (until leaves wilt). Serve.
    Topping Variations - bacon and bleu cheese crumbles, shaved parmesan, sunflower seeds, oh the possibilities.

    I don't use any dressing, personal preference. Let me know if you try it. -L

  4. Very interesting! Wilted lettuce. Who'da thunk?

  5. ya know! I have to say that reminds me of many moons ago when I visited and witnessed you sauteing kale for breakfast. I was so inspired - greens for breakfast! and you made it look so easy and so normal. I think of that moment whenever I saute my breakfast greens. MMMmmm good!

  6. Really? I made kale for breakfast? It must have been in eggs, right? Or maybe it was one of those phases Eli went through. He loved sauteed kale for awhile there.

  7. Kale sauteed in a little olive oil, with garlic and sea salt, has been a favorite of mine for a long time!

  8. Yum, you guys. Now I'm hungry. I'm slow-cooking today. The opposite of what you're writing about! I've got carnitas on high in the slow-cooker, set for eight hours. Love the new blog, keep it coming.


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